Here is download link of  ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity TF700T  Sync / PC suite for Windows. This software needs to pair/connect your computer/laptop/notebook with this ASUS device. This driver is to sync your contact list and calendar between   PAD and PC. You also will know that this software is included in the PC Suite Utility. To download this software you can click below here :

Download link Asus Driver Sync. (ASUS Sync V1.0.83)

Please save the file to your disk that you are easy to find then install it until finish.

To sync this software you can follow this step below :

1. Please to open ASUS Sync program on Windows Computer.

2. ASUS Sync program shows that no device is connected yet.
3. Click ASUS sync on the Infinity TF700T .
4. Your PAD is connected with the Windows Computer.
5. On computer, ASUS Sync program shows the connected  your PAD’s model and items which can choose to sync.
6. Users can select the items to sync between Windows Computer and PAD
asus sync


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